
The CEO’s Guide to the Business of Training. 2: Return on Investment

The CEO’s Guide to the Business of Training, Part 2 asks what you already know is the most difficult question to answer. What return on investment (ROI) is your training giving you? You may recall that in our last article in this series, we asked you to consider the alignment of your people’s skills with the [...]

The CEO’s Guide to the Business of Training. 1: Strategy

The CEO's Guide to the Business of Training, Part 1: Strategy asks how well you've considered the alignment between your strategic direction, and the skills of your people. It could be that they're doing the same things they've always done, even though your goalposts have moved. If so, it will be hard work to hit [...]

Thanks for an amazing year!

This year, 2017, has been an amazing year at Training x Design. We’re like to thank you, dear reader, for helping to make it so. Here is a recap of all the incredible things that we have achieved. […]

Transformation is about people, not technology

Transformation has been a buzzword for a few years now. Much of the time we see it applied to digital and technology. The idea of ‘digital transformation’ has almost become synonymous with ‘digital disruption’. But what if I were to tell you that just bringing in your fancy, new tech is a waste of time [...]

6 Things positive leaders don’t do

Since publishing 7 Things that positive leaders do, we’ve been asked, but what don’t they do? Reading through this article, you will be able to self-assess. Are you really a positive leader, or do you just think you are? Read on to find out. 1. Positive leaders don’t focus on what went wrong. When you [...]

7 Things positive leaders do

Can you spot the positive leaders in your organisation? In this article you will learn how to, by seeing what positive leaders do. What is a positive leader? A positive leader creates an environment that nurtures all the good things in your organisation. They represent and support resilience, optimism, and gratitude - among other things. [...]

Solve the leadership puzzle

How hard to solve is your leadership puzzle? Leadership is a tricky concept. As leaders, we find ourselves trying to solve the paradox of great leadership versus required management. The culture of our workplaces can sometimes make this more difficult, particularly if there isn’t a real leadership culture supporting us. Sometimes that’s a training issue, [...]

How storytelling was used to change SA Health volunteers into amazing tour guides for the new RAH

We used storytelling to train SA Health Volunteers to be amazing tour guides, for the pre-opening tours of the new Royal Adelaide Hospital. Here’s why the story matters so much. […]

South Australia: The innovation state?

For the past couple of weeks, South Australia has been focused on innovation and technology. We’ve had a number of conferences, from Mobilising Women in Tech, to Southstart, to the Social Capital conference. There are a lot of people doing innovative things here, and thinking creatively, there is no question about that. The question is [...]

Improve your leadership immediately by doing two simple things

Everyone promises that you can ‘improve your leadership immediately’. It really is true! The challenge is having the courage to take action right now to do it. […]