
About Gina Brooks

Gina Brooks is the Director of Training x Design and has been helping people to Think more, Do more & Feel more for over 20 years. She speaks and writes about leadership, emotional intelligence, culture and how to stimulate creativity and innovation at work through learning.
5 11, 2013

You have 3 seconds to attract customers

You have 3 secs to attract your customer into your store; .....1.....2....3 Whether they decide to enter or not will depend on how attractive and inviting your display is. This article analyses how different personalities are attracted to different types if displays. Knowing your target market and what type of customers you wish to attract [...]

5 11, 2013

Are you ready for the Gen Z shopper?

"today’s 14 to 19 year olds will be the largest group of consumers worldwide by 2020, making up 40 per cent in the developed world" This article analyses the behaviour of the Gen Z shopper. As predicted they display very different buying behaviour having a larger gap between seeing and buying. With 40-80% of current [...]

5 11, 2013

How can you increase employee engagement?

Of course you can. Just amp up the human factor An "engaged employee" is one who is fully involved in, and enthusiastic about their work, and thus will act in a way that furthers their organisation's interests (Wikipedia) To be engaged employees need to have an emotional connection with their workplace. Rewarding people with external [...]

5 11, 2013

The Generations approach to retail

This is an interesting article which looks at what shapes each generation's approach to retail as well as the future spend. For example did you know that Generation X & Y are half of the current retail spend? If your business is targeting these customers then its worth reading about how you can tap into [...]

5 11, 2013

Learning retention – it does happen!

I just had a phone call from one of my previous students who completed a Certificate IV in Training & Assessment program I delivered in Adelaide early 2012. He called to thank me for teaching him about the VET system and how to use Competency standards as he's just started a new job and this [...]