New Zealand beats Australia!

A couple of days ago I shared an article about which country was happier.

The scores were based on the incidence and strength of smiling, giving a ranking of the world’s happiest places.



Today I came across a Customer Service Infographic that ranks countries in the world according to their customer satisfaction levels.

This time New Zealand beat Australia, however both countries are in the top 3.

70% of complaints on twitter go unanswered.

customer service-skyscraping-price-bad-customer-service-infographic



People enjoy sharing their opinions on social media about anything and especially about Customer Service. Good and bad.

Monitoring your reviews allows you to respond as soon as possible, preventing the likelihood of the review spreading and going viral.

And its free! Your customers are longing to tell you what they think about your service, showing you listen shows you care, thereby avoiding 89% of your customers going to your competition.


Are you monitoring what your customers say about you?